Use Planned Giving checkboxes on your annual appeal reply devices, every year:

  • I have included (Your Organization) in my estate plans
  • I would like to learn how to include (Your Organization) in my estate plans
  • Please send me information about how I can make a gift and receive income for life
  • I have named (Your Organization) as a beneficiary of my retirement plan/life insurance policy

For one mailing a year, include an insert about bequests and how they help your organization. Make sure it includes the following:

  • The legal name of your organization
  • Your mission statement
  • Contact information, including your website address
  • Sample bequest language to pass on to attorneys (attached)
  • Brief messaging about leaving a legacy: “Your legacy gift for (Your Organization) means that we can continue to count on you for support…forever…and that you will always be part of our ongoing mission in the community. Legacy gifts of any amount mean a stronger future. Thank you.”
  • “If you have already included us in your charitable estate plans, please let us know, so we can welcome you to the XXX Circle, (or thank you appropriately for your visionary generosity).
  • Some visuals that identify your organization

Highlight legacy gift donors in your print and e-newsletter every issue: great stories inspire great gifts!

Have general bequest information and sample language available and easy to find on your website; you should also have your legal corporate name and your tax identification number with the bequest language and with any reference to IRA and bank account designations.

Start a legacy society if you can. If you can’t, remember to include your legacy donors in all special events.

How can we help?

Sharon Cappetta, CAP®

Director of Development


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