The Great Give: Become a Sponsor in 2024

Sponsor a match or prize to help the nonprofits you choose leverage more donor dollars.

Show your commitment to our local community, enhance goodwill, grow your business … and have fun doing it!

In 2023, The Great Give attracted over 14,000 donors and raised nearly $3.5 million for 520 nonprofits serving Greater New Haven. Since The Great Give began in 2010, more than $24 million has been raised for hundreds of nonprofits. The Community Foundation and its partner in philanthropy, the Valley Community Foundation, will contribute approximately $176,000 in matching gifts and prizes to encourage giving in 2024.

You can join us by becoming a sponsor ($500 min.) and increase visibility for your business.

Sponsor a match or prize to help the nonprofits you choose leverage more donor dollars.


  • Match sponsors can choose one or more nonprofits.
  • Matches drive donors to help nonprofits raise more $ and meet the match.
  • Donors are grateful to match sponsors.


    • Prize sponsors can choose a group of nonprofits by geography and/or cause.
    • Prizes drive donors to help nonprofits raise more $ and win the prize amount.
    • Donors are grateful to prize sponsors.