Support Local Artists

The Arts Council of Greater New Haven is raising money and recognition for artists during these challenging times.

Ife Michelle Gardin, founder of the Elm City LIT Fest, receives an Arts Award for decades of arts organization work. Image source: New Haven Independent.

Creative Sector Relief Fund

With performance spaces closed and even private gatherings declared off limits, the entire arts ecosystem is struggling for survival. In response, the Arts Council has established the Creative Sector Relief Fund. During 2020, the fund has provided nearly $200,000 to creatives and small-budget arts groups. A $30,000 grant from the Greater New Haven COVID-19 Community Fund contributed to the Creative Sector Relief Fund, which provided local artists with money to supplement lost income from cancelled gigs or teaching opportunities, reduced hours at their employment or to invest in new solutions for their creative careers.

The fund will relaunch in 2021 with a focus on racial justice, directly supporting Black, Brown, and Indigenous creatives.

Creative Sector Relief Fund

The Show Must Go On

The Arts Council of Greater New Haven virtually hosted its 40th Annual Arts Awards celebrating the year’s awardees and the Council’s lifetime achievement award. The ceremony also featured music performances, discussions, and short films. The evening’s focus was on the work of Black artists and their response to the current moment.

Awards Ceremony and Performances

New Haven Independent Coverage

Did You Know?

Statewide, 73 percent of the nonprofit organizations that have suspended services shut down entirely are small arts organizations with budgets of under $1 million. Source: CT NONPROFITS & COVID-19: A Pulse Survey on Organizational Impacts and Needs