NHHS Partners With Mobile Medical Unit

Ensures Steady Care for Maternal Health Services

The challenges faced by economically disadvantaged expectant and postnatal moms are difficult enough without a pandemic to add to feelings of isolation and anxiety.

Artavia Boone accesses postnatal health care during the pandemic via a NHHS-supported mobile clinic. Photo Courtesy of Leslie Sude, MD and Angel Ojeda

For moms with younger children, those feelings only grew when childcare responsibilities increased due to closed daycare facilities. Throughout the pandemic, New Haven Healthy Start (NHHS) and its doulas ensured a continuum of care for at-risk expectant mothers by shifting to telehealth check-up visits and virtual breastfeeding education and support groups, which are still offered. NHHS also connected clients with other resources such as transportation and housing assistance. Most notably, it expanded its services by funding and partnering with the Yale School of Medicine’s Community Health Care Van, which offers safe and accessible maternity care, pediatric health care and connection to other resources free of charge.

Learn more about New Haven Healthy Start.