Hands On Foundation Fund
Est. 2022 by Xzavier Richardson for the benefit youth advocacy, emphasizing the importance of education and awareness of lupus.

Welcome to Hands On Foundation, where helping hands work together for a good cause.
My name is Xzavier Richardson. I am the founder of Hands On Foundation. In my commitment to my community, I started the Hands On Foundation Fund in September of 2022 to focus on youth advocacy, emphasizing the importance of education and awareness of lupus — a diagnosis that I refuse to let define me. Today, I ask you to donate to our Fund. Our community needs your support.
My Story
Ten years ago (Fall 2012), while pursuing my degree at Southern Connecticut State University, I randomly began to experience body aches and momentary shortness of breath during my routine work and school activities. One particular episode, which caused me to feel faint at work, was later confirmed by my doctor as the result of low oxygen levels. I was transported to the hospital immediately. After a month of testing - feeling anxious each time the results were inconclusive - I was officially diagnosed with lupus.
Refusing to let the diagnosis hold me back, I went on to become the CEO of Hands On Moving and Storage, a moving company rooted in Greater New Haven and which has a national presence.
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