Fair Wind Fund
Est. 2020 by Andrew McLaren and Francie Irvine, Cricket McLaren, Brooks and Ana Paula McLaren, and Eliza McLaren and Dominic Albanese

The Fair Wind Fund was established by the McLaren family in the belief that no one has come up with a better basis for action in the world than the Golden Rule. There should be no such thing as inequality of rights or opportunity. Everyone should have food, shelter, and access to health care. Most importantly, people everywhere should have an education that points them toward justice and equality, enables them to listen to others and possibly even achieve the world’s most difficult feat: to arrive at conclusions rather than start from them.
The idea for the Fair Wind Fund -- born during the McLaren family's frequent Zoom conversations that started with the pandemic -- reflects their collective commitment to working for a better world. The McLaren family believes deeply in equity and justice as outcomes of human rights and good government. If our overriding goal is to learn to live with each other as family (another way of phrasing the Golden Rule) then the Fair Wind Fund exists to promote collaboration among nations and a new consensus at home around our country’s founding ideals and values. A tall order, but every little helps!
The Fair Wind Fund has so far supported:
- One Goal (college for all)
- The American Indian College Fund
- The Voter Participation Center
- The Himalayan Cataract Project
- NXTHVN (for low-income artists in New Haven, CT)
- North Avenue Mission (Baltimore street ministry)
Should the mission of The Fair Wind Fund resonate with you, please consider helping grow its impact with a contribution. All contributors will have the opportunity to make grant suggestions, and will receive regular reports on the Fair Wind Fund's activity.
Half (50%) of all contributions will be channeled into grants within six months of receipt, and the other half will be put toward growing the fund for future grants.
Gifts to the fund can be made in various forms including gifts of stock or alternative assets. For questions about ways you can give, contact Sharon Cappetta.
Make a donation