Community is All About Connection
Twenty-nine percent of Foundation donors responded to a 2016 survey. The words used most often to describe The Foundation were: Responsive. Committed. Engaged. Professional.

On this Thanksgiving holiday, we are grateful for you.
We are privileged to work with you and so many others who feel deeply connected to our community and its future.
We wish you, your loved ones and your extended community best wishes for the holiday season.
— Your friends at The Community Foundation
About the image above:
The word bubble represents all the words used by donors to describe The Community Foundation in a 2016 survey; the size of each word indicates the frequency with which it was used.Twenty-nine percent of Foundation donors responded to the survey; the words used most often to describe The Foundation were:
Responsive. Committed.
Engaged. Professional.
Based on donor responses, The Community Foundation ranks in the top 20 percent of all foundations participating in the survey for the extent to which The Foundation makes its donors feel more connected to their community, contributes to their ability to make an impact on the issues they care about and enhances their knowledge of these issues.