Community Foundation Scholarship Funds Distribute More Than $600,000

More than 100 awards to students pursuing higher education.

As the 2020-21 challenging school year has ended and a new one is soon to begin, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is pleased to share that approximately 80 scholarship funds have distributed $602,131 to assist students in their pursuit of higher education.

The Community Foundation is home to a variety of scholarship funds that different donors and organizations have created over many years. Some of the scholarships are open to students from different schools while others are designated for graduates of specific local high schools or to benefit students that pursue a particular interest. Other scholarship funds are designated for attendees of specific colleges or institutions.

In total, 92 of the 104 scholarships awarded in 2021 supported local students from within the twenty-town region served by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven.

Scholarships grants are made possible each year thanks to the many donors who have either established a permanent scholarship fund or contributed to an existing one. The continued support of these donors, especially during such a year of unprecedented challenges, creates opportunity both for students and for our Greater New Haven community.

While most scholarships offer one-time support, some other scholarships, such as The Edward A. Bouchet Scholarship awarded by The Promising Scholars Fund, strive to provide renewable tuition assistance for multiple years. Created by the Beta Tau Boule, New Haven's chapter of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the Bouchet scholarship was established to reduce economic barriers to higher education for local African American students; in 2021 eleven students received the Bouchet scholarship ($4,000 each), all of whom are currently in college. To raise money for the Bouchet scholarship, the Promising Scholars Fund hosts an annual Golf Classic, which is returning this fall from a hiatus in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 18th tournament is scheduled for Monday, September 20 at the Race Brook Country Club in Orange. Click here to learn how to support the Bouchet scholarship through the Golf Classic.

The majority of scholarships from Community Foundation funds are administered by schools or other organizations that have their own application and award procedures. The Community Foundation, through its Board of Directors’ Scholarship Subcommittee, administers and awards a small selection of scholarships, which include The Lee, Imperato and H. Pearce Scholarships.

Derby High School Graduation
Graduation at Derby High School. Photo credit: Terry Snell

The Lee Scholarship, which is awarded to children and spouses of full-time employees of The Lee Company in Westbrook, held its annual scholarship ceremony in June and distributed a total of $290,070 to 57 recipients. The Imperato Family Scholarship, awarded to Derby High School graduates who are pursuing a master’s degree in Business, provided $12,000 in scholarship assistance, while the H. Pearce Family Scholarship, for H. Pearce Real Estate Company full-time employees/independent contractors and their spouses and children distributed $6,000.

Promoting access to quality education extends beyond the activity of the scholarship funds at The Community Foundation. The Community Foundation is also a co-founder and supporter of New Haven Promise, which offers up to free tuition to a Connecticut public university for students who live in New Haven, attend public school in New Haven, and meet grade, attendance and community service requirements.

The list of scholarship opportunities at The Community Foundation is available on The Foundation's website For this year, most application deadlines have passed; students are encouraged to check back in early 2022 for next year's scholarship opportunities.

To learn more about scholarship and other types of funds, please visit The Community Foundation's charitable fund options page.