Recent News

Compassionately Serving the Hungry ›
Each week the Community Dining Room serves over 1,000 meals to families and individuals from East Haven, Foxon, Branford, North Branford, Guilford, North Guilford and Madison.

Breaking the Cycle: Support for the Formerly Incarcerated ›
As policy reforms aimed at ending mass incarceration have gained momentum across the country, local reentry initiatives are increasing the support and opportunities available to help men and women returning from prison become productive members of society.

Casher: A Public Servant's Life Memorialized ›
Clare Coe Casher's legacy will live on through the memorial Fund established by her husband Sherwin and her children at The Community Foundation.

Winning Battles for Connecticut Veterans ›
The Connecticut Veterans Legal Center is assisting more CT veterans facing legal issues each year, and improving its capacity to do so at the same time.